Our Agency

  • Paris
  • London
  • Bordeaux
  • Tunis
CosaVostra is a digital strategy consultancy firm based in Paris, London, Bordeaux and Tunis. Our business, tech and creative brains - infused with a startup mindset - work together to build beautiful, effective and profitable digital adventures.

There are no wrong ideas (besides Brexit)

Let's Talk

Here is our
all-star team


  • work with music
  • love their jobs
Mathieu Stefani - Portrait


Chief Executive Officer

François Defossez - Portrait


Chief Consulting Officer

Pierre Stefani, Chief Technical Officer


Chief Technical Officer

Laurent Kretz - Portrait


Chief Operations Officer

Louis Dumoulin, Head of UK Office


Deputy General Manager

Julie Faury - Portrait


Project Manager

Emilien Laborde, Full-Stack Developer


Full-Stack Developer


Graphic Designer

Clemence Gros - Portrait


Head of Visual Design

Christine Pemba - Portrait


Creative Developer

Valentin Graglia, Web Developer


Web Developer

Mona Romdhani - Portrait


Front-end Developer

Sonia Yahyaoui - Portrait


Front-end Developer

you ?

Get in touch

Matthieu Stefani

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer

Mathieu Stefani - Portrait

Founder of 10+ companies since 2005, Matt is a champion of ideas. He never fails to bring those ideas to life, whether for himself or for his clients. He pioneered social commerce with the launch of several successful products in France, and is an expert on social media and online content. He’s worked in digital media since 2002, and founder and host of the successful podcast “Génération Do It Yourself”. Matthieu is a coach at ESCP Europe Business School, speaker at HEC and advisor for several companies and VCs.


François Defossez

Chief Consulting Officer

Chief Consulting Officer

François Defossez - Portrait

Distributing Adobe and Apple throughout Africa and the french overseas territories is great, but in the end François got tired of lying on the beach, and ended up missing Paris’s periphique (motorway). So he moved on to to PubliAtis, creating SaaS CMS systems to develop the distribution of the press in France. In 2011, Francois launched himself as an entrepreneur when he created the website ArtyWalrus.com, which he sold in 2013.


Pierre Stefani

Chief Technical Officer

Chief Technical Officer

Pierre Stefani, Chief Technical Officer

Chief Technology Officer, Development After training at ENSEIRB in Bordeaux, an elite graduate college for engineers, Pierre spent 12 years working on complex projects for banks and insurance companies at various software firms. A coding ninja, he specialises in PHP and can work with a plethora of CMS. After several years with Sopra and BI Consulting, he decided to work with his brother at CosaVostra… which is not always a piece of cake.


Laurent Kretz

Chief Operations Officer

Chief Blague Officer

Laurent Kretz - Portrait

Laurent worked for 7 years helping major brands with their digital transformations, first at Lafarge in Paris, and then at Air France in New York. He then founded three startups in the mobile phone and geolocalisation sectors, two of which he then sold. In 2010, he created Start In Paris, the biggest weekly startup conference in France, and speaks regularly at HEC (the prestigious French Business School) on digital entrepreneurialism.


Louis Dumoulin

Deputy General Manager

Deputy General Manager

Louis Dumoulin, Head of UK Office

After a formative experience working closely with the President of LeMonde.fr (the French newspaper), Louis became the editor of the monthly magazine Books and the consultant for the President of Têtu, another leading French magazine. In 2016 he launched CosaVostra UK in London, to coordinate the digital agency’s activity there. Louis’ London team of 4 (and growing) does both content strategy for brands and strategy consultancy for media companies. A lecturer for the Public Affairs Masters at Sciences Po, Louis is a specialist in innovation and financing for media and cultural entreprises.


Julie Faury

Project Manager

Project Manager

Julie Faury - Portrait

With a Masters in Marketing and Brand Strategy, Julie knows the ins and outs of luxury. She’s worked for companies like Louis Vuitton and for agencies specialised in PR and digital. In the CosaVostra Famiglia, she’s our Marie Kondo, a master at organisation, and her enthusiasm is unstoppable, especially when it comes down to making her clients’ dreams, a reality.


Émilien Laborde

Full-Stack Developer

Full-Stack Developer

Emilien Laborde, Full-Stack Developer

Emilien has been feeding on code for the past 7 years. Passionate about software development and a die-hard WordPress fan, he loves a new challenge. Primarily a back-end developer, he equally loves all front technologies (JS, Angular, Ionic, react) and creating beautiful dynamic web-apps. The experience he gained from working freelance makes him a great advisor, and an avid listener to his clients, always striving to provide the most precise answers possible.


Catarina Bernardi

Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer

Catarina is just beginning her career in the creative industries, but so far it’s been good. She is originally from São Paulo, Brazil and moved to London to pursue her studies at the London College of Communication. She started out as an illustrator, working with commissions and participating in independent art fairs. After moving to London, Catarina explored the world of multimedia and digital design. Now she does a bit of everything – from graphic to motion.


Clémence Gros

Head of Visual Design

Head of Visual Design

Clemence Gros - Portrait

Clémence can seem like the quiet type. But make no mistake about it : she’s a go-getter, and knows exactly how to work to reach her objectives (and yours). She’s observant, persevering and a math whizz at heart. Her leitmotiv as a UI Designer is to create intuitive beautiful interfaces.


Christine Pemba Kingala

Creative Developer

Creative Developer Junior

Christine Pemba - Portrait

Toujours à l’affut des sites web fous et créatifs, Christine, passionnée par le web, a rapidement trouvé son équilibre dans le développement front-end et le web design. De nature curieuse et créative, Christine vois les briefs comme des challenges, des opportunités pour créer du nouveau et de l’inattendu.


Valentin Graglia

Web Developer

Web Developer

Valentin Graglia, Web Developer

To be translated


Mona Romdhani

Front-end Developer

Front-end Developer

Mona Romdhani - Portrait

Multi-talented Integration specialist Mona is a relentless worker to whom no code can resist. With 15 years of experience, she’s settled in front of the CosaVostra computer screens in Tunis where she has been contributing to some of our greatest prides.


Sonia Yahyaoui

Front-end Developer

Front-end Developer

Sonia Yahyaoui - Portrait

With her fairy fingers, Sonia gives the impression that integration is a magic trick. Fast, precise, and efficient, she manages to juggle the wildest fantasies of our designers and the most complex codes of our developers to shape the most beautiful projects. No need for a magic wand–she does it all with just a keyboard and a mouse. Impressive!

you ?

you ?

Are you really thinking about it?

Are you really thinking about it?

Yes, you! If you’re friendly, enjoy up a challenge and have great ideas eight times a day, get in touch.

Get in touch


Let’s make
